360° Evaluation Tool
Outsourcing & consulting company AACC unites 80+ qualified and certified professionals who have many years of experience in outsourcing cooperation with companies operating in various industries in the local and international market. AACC employees serve up to 135 client/partner companies in the following areas: HRM, legal, finance, accounting, ERP and information technology.
Along with the one-time and multiple services of the full package of HR services, the company provides partners and new customers with 360° degrees offers evaluation system development and implementation service, tailored to individual needs or the specifics of the company's activities.
ACCC's HR Business Partner and Head of HR Department shares an informative article on the specifics of this system.
360° evaluation model: one of the successful mechanisms for improving the effectiveness and growth of organizational management.
In the dynamic world of business process outsourcing (BPO) and consulting, where customer satisfaction and operational efficiency are paramount, having an evaluation, aka feedback system, is essential. Traditional feedback methods often ignore the important nuances of teamwork and arguably fail to address customer challenges.
For me, as an HR person who has been in this field for 11 years and has accumulated experience both in government agencies and in various fields of the private sector, I believe that 360°Feedback is one of the most balanced, multidimensional assessment tools that can provide significant benefits to both individual employees and the organization.
Within the framework of the 360° evaluation system, we receive results not only from direct supervisors, but also from the so-called employees. From colleagues in a horizontal relationship, ordinary links, subordinates and third parties, that is, from clients provided by us. The latter is particularly important for organizations with consulting and outsourcing specifics. Finally, we get the results, in which the comprehensive picture is reflected.
The mentioned evaluation system allows us to evaluate and measure the collegial relations and communications of the employees, the organizational culture, the level of development of the employee, his personal and professional situation. Based on the results, we have the opportunity to create such development tools, plans or projects that will increase employee motivation and involvement, improve each team member's sense of value and belonging to the organization, relieve tension between teams, and enhance the positive aspects of employee communication. will improve the organizational culture. will have a positive impact on the quality of service provided by the company to clients and relations with partners.
Mainly, one of the strongest points of this evaluation model is that it is completely anonymous, which gives the involved parties the courage to be more objective in their evaluations.
I would like to point out that in practice I encounter a tendency when the work process is going on in the organization and it is still the development stage of the tool, already from this point certain behaviour changes occur in the employees. Their realization that every link will be evaluated changes their attitudes from the very beginning, and they begin to think from the very beginning how to become more loyal and effective in their relations with colleagues.
The most important phase, I think, is to properly inform the employees right before the evaluation and to communicate with them in a very moderate, correct and clear way. We need to explain and understand the following in detail:
1. What is the purpose of this assessment?
2. what is the process
3. Share and explain in detail all the technical components they will be exposed to in the process (eg the tool/soft/program we will use, etc.)
4. Reassure and explain the anonymity of the process and results (here we can do a trial assessment in front of them and analyze the results to ensure anonymity.)
5. Positive message box: It is important to show colleagues the positive aspects of evaluation and to emphasize that it is not done for "punitive operations" so to speak, it is done for the improvement of collegial relations, communication, organizational culture, personal and professional development of employees.
Stages and ways of implementation:
1. Definition and confidentiality of the circle/commission of evaluators: The roles of the people/parties involved in the evaluation process who will coordinate and manage the process should be defined. On their part, the confidentiality of each result must be protected throughout the entire cycle.
2. Purpose of the assessment: It should define clear objectives for what the assessment is being done and what purpose it will serve.
3. Process: The evaluation process should be written in detail: what tools will be used, how many phases/stages there will be, deadlines for each stage, etc.
4. Creation/composition of assessment tools: the most time-consuming process, as the content and form of the tools must be tailored to the company/team individually. This is a very sensitive issue, since the wording of each question/assessment tool significantly determines the success and objectivity of the process. We should use clear, concise questions to measure each competency. Questions should focus on constructive aspects. Such digital tools should be used/tools, programs or software,which ensure privacy,anonymity andreliability,At the same time, it is flexible in process and easy to use by the involved parties.
5. Informing employees/all parties involved in a timely and systematic manner: the objective and expected results should be explained in detail to each employee/party involved in the evaluation process. The process of informing may also be given the form of trainings, in order to avoid bias and to make all parties well aware of the importance of the process.
6. Administration and management of the process: It is important that we strictly adhere to the deadlines and all the rules that we agreed upon in advance when administering the assessment tools/questions.
7. Analysis of results: The results are analyzed by a pre-established evaluation circle/commission.
8. Implementation of results: The analysis is submitted to the company's management, as a result of which the following may be planned: Employee incentives, trainings or various development/qualification programs, series of team and corporate activities and others.
9. Face to Face interviews and meetings with employees/stakeholders -One on One Discussions:Members of the Evaluation CommissionMeets with each employee/stakeholder/evaluator individually to discuss feedback in a supportive, growth-oriented environment.
10. Development plan: The plan should also be clear and results-oriented, where there will be a development plan tailored to the individual needs of each employee.
11. Continuity of the process: Continuity and permanence of the process are also crucial.
360degrees assessment not only personal and professional It promotes development, has a turning role in the process of self-evaluation and development of each employee, but also organization as team dynamics in strengthening, as well with clients relationship in improvement.this method strengthens employees motivation and in processes engagement. If the process has a permanent character, the dynamics of positive results will be long-term and the process itself organization optimal results and successful development provides.